Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We Now Have a Teenager, YIKES!!!

It was Mcakenzie's 13th birthday on June 20th. It is amazing what a beautiful young women she has become. She excels in school, is a great dancer and truly a wonderful daughter/sister. We just love her. Happy Birthday!!

Teenagers always sleep in and this was a birthday wake up!


The Ferguson Family said...

And I bet she just loved that you posted that pic of her waking up...hehe! I love it! Especially with Emmett sitting on her head!

Mackenzie is awesome! I love how spunky and sweet she is!

Happy Birthday (once again) Mackenzie!

Ginger said...

Happy Birthday Mackenzie! It is not fair you are growing up. I don't like it one little bit!!!

Vidal's Nest said...

Hope you had a happy birthday Mackenzie!
My condolences mom and dad. Teenage years suck!