My little baby is 3 months old!! This is no fair. He has grown so much and does not acted like a 3 month old. So I am going to be the mom that lists his accomplishments for all my family who does not get to see him all the time.
Emmett the star!!
Smiles all the time
Rolls from his tummy to his back
Grabs his toys from his activity gym and puts them in his mouth
Talks all the time even in the car to his Cow
Tries to scoot on his belly to get his toys in front of him(scary)
Lifts his head so high and looks for us when we leave the room
Is starting to sleep 5 hours at night
These are his big accomplishments. Might be small in comparison but for a baby great feats were met.
doesn't it suck how quickly the grow, i'm feeling the same thing with zoey. what a big boy, already trying to scoot!! EEK!! how cute is he? i just it when they start to talk.
I can't believe how big he is! He is SO CUTE! It's fun to read your updates.
He is so cute. It seems like we just found out you were pregnant. I hope we can see you guys soon!
He is SO adorable!
Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?
He has such a cute little face. Can't wait to actually see him in person!
He is just precious. I love that hair. One of the reasons I always loved newborns is that it lasts for such a short time. Hopefully you'll be able to keep him a baby a little longer, but it looks like he is going to another active one.
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