Saturday, May 2, 2009

The best Sunny Day

The sun has begun to shine here in the Northwest. This is very exciting because we can know enjoy the great parks that are all around us.

Tuesday was a beautiful day filled with laughter, climbing, swinging and a great break with a snack.

We went had a great PARK DAY with our friends and after we were done realized we had been there for 2 hours.

Emmett was able to swing for the first time and loved it.

He is so cute!!!

Delaynie is normally in school but she woke up to be having a Girl moment. So not to ruin my whole day I let her have a day off. This paid off in my favor.

*Sorry Jenna that you went to the wrong park*


The Ferguson Family said...

That was a great day! The kids definitely had a blast! It was fun to see Will testing out his climbing skills(something I need to get used to...yikes!)... Thanks for sending out the email to get us there! You're awesome!

Mike, Suzann and Family said...

Park days can be so wonderful!

jenn gent said...

Looks like you guys had fun! I'm still bummed I went to the wrong park... ugh!

Marriott Fam said...

I'm bummed I didn't know about it! You know how I am with time CALL me!! Hope your move went well.