Friday, September 4, 2009


Why does the school send home an info packet asking your child's strengths and weaknesses to help place them in a class for next year if they are not going to take it into consideration!!!!!

Before we moved to Washington I research all the schools in the area to find schools that were compariable to the schools in California. My eyes were opened when we started> Test scores do not tell you anything about the curriculum. My kids were a year ahead than what was being taught. I figured that this was an easy fix and that the teachers would be so excited that my children had already learned these things.

I was so wrong!!! Hayden's 3rd grade teacher told me, "That I was no longer in California and I was going to have to learn the "Washington Way".

Obviously he did not care to help my child excel. I had several meetings with this teacher that were never positive. They were always about how disruptive my son was( he was bored) and that he was not doing well in their reading program. This was hard for me in understand because he was at grade level or higher in his class in California. I tried finding solutions but with no positive reinforcement. I went to every conference he wanted with the same negativity towards my son. Finally after my 5th conference in 2 months I looked at him and told him that if he had nothing to tell me that was positive or that an improvement had not been made then we were done. I was not going to have any more conferences with him and that I did not want to speak with him any more. All references about or towards my son would now need to be with the principal. He never called me in again. There never seemed to be any more issues.

My disdain for this teacher still exists and now my poor Delaynie has him!! I went immediately to the principal and asked for her removal from the class. I explained my reasons and my concerns. If anyone knows me I love being in the classroom and going on field trips. It is very important to me to be involved and know what is going on in the school. My meeting was useless. The principal at our school is useless. He said he would look into it and get back to me this afternoon with his decision. The answer---AT THIS TIME WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE HER OUT OF THE CLASS BUT WILL EVALUATE THIS MATTER AT A LATER DATE.

This was not the answer I was looking for. I even stated on my request form that she was not to have a male teacher. This should have been an easy fix. There are two females teachers and him. How hard is it to give one of the other teachers to us!!!! I did not even take her to the Meet and Greet this afternoon. I refused to even step a foot into his class. I think I have a legitimate reason for not wanting her in there. I believe as a parent we know our child and ourselves best to have better judgement than the principal(yes our principal chooses the classrooms for all the children without the input of the teachers, how does he know each child...HE DOES NOT).

Now the dilemma. Do I keep her home and home school her for the year and return her to 4th grade next year? Do I go to another school and hope that it is better? I do not even want her to go on the first day. I just want to keep her home. It has nothing to do with the kids in class. She has lots of friends which makes it even harder. It has everything to do with this teacher. He should be retired. I am not the only mom upset. There was another mom in tears that her child was in that class. Why do schools keep teachers like this??? I do not understand.

Our education system is a wreck. We need principals that are leaders and find teachers that can captivate children with learning. We need people that want to teach and want to motivate our youth to be strong,positive role models. How can this happen when you have a teacher that does not want to help students excel or help students who struggle. Teachers want robots that are all just the same. This way they do not have to work. There job becomes easy with no pressure. This is not to say that there are not GREAT teachers out there. I know many excellent teachers that love what they do. I applaud those individuals!!!

I just want what is best for my little Delaynie. This teacher is not what she needs. She needs a teacher that has a love for teaching, wants to see the positive in everyone and wants to see growth with their students. How hard is it to make this happen for my child. Harder than I thougth.


Shelli said...

I feel your pain! How horribly frustrating for you. Teachers should be partners, not adversaries.

I think you have a couple of options. First of all, Delaynie is a completely different personality. She might be able to do much better than Hayden in his class. Second, there is value in learning to deal with a difficult teacher. Definitely a life lesson they'll use later in life. If you're concerned about her education, you can always supplement at home. I would give it a few days, help out in the classroom so he knows you are involved, and decide if you need to pull her out or not.

Jennifer Miller said...

You are in a rough situation! I can understand you not wanting to deal with this teacher, but maybe by some miricle Delaynie will like him? If she has some good friends in the class that might ease things.
Otherwise, I think I would homeschool. But first talk to the principle once again, they dont like loosing students to homeschool.
Sorry to hear the news-

Crazy Black family said...

Good luck with your decision. My sister-in-law had the same problem with a teacher here. Her son never had homework. She asked if there was any extra he could do because she felt he was falling behind. The teacher never responded. Her son gave us a run-down of what they did in class and most of it was being read to. He was a 2nd grader. They needed to be practicing the skills. Anyway, there may be other options, and homeschooling is not what it once was. There are more and more people that do it and support groups and all sorts of good stuff. It's just planning that will be hard.

Spence said...

Perhaps if we paid good teachers what they were worth, we would attract and keep good teachers. I feel your pain, though. We had to look for a long time before we found a school with good teachers and a good principal, all of who were actually looking out for our child's best interests.

Vidal's Nest said...

Ugh I hate that! I would speak with the principal one more time and if he refuses let him know you are now planning on going to the school district with this problem. I had a problem with Rachelle's school counselor and once I went to the district they finally made the changes I was asking for. I was pissed. For some reason getting in touch with the district lit a fire under them.
Best of luck. Our schools are a mess!

sherry said...

First of all I love your new family picture! What a cute family you have. Next, I don't know how itis in Washington, but in AZ we have a ton of options. That is why last year I had 4 kids in 4 different elementary schools. Sometimes that is necessary. Every kid is so different! I will e mail you so I don't write a book in your comments section;)

mlg said...

I had a similar problem with Kelsie in the 2nd grade the teacher was ok but there were 32 students in her class and only 8 girls. They would not move her because the other classes were just as crowded and so after going to school for a month and nothing changing I pulled her out and home schooled her for the year and put her back in for 3rd grade. I think she did great and she had no problem integrating back into the classroom and with her friends!